OpenStack Frontend Solutions

Instantly turn an OpenStack infrastructure into Premium Enterprise Cloud or Cash-flow Ready Public Clouds

Computingstack Uniview™ OpenStack User Console, Billing and Business Support Solutions

Frontend Integrations are one of the most crucial factors of OpenStack business success!

Univew is comprehensive OpenStack monetization solution that bundles a new generation of OpenStack Console, Monitoring System, Public Cloud Billing and Supporting System into one platform. It provide all the needs to turn an OpenStack infra into cash-flow ready public clouds or premium private clouds. Uniview user console features with immersive user experiences by everything just a click away, hook to play with most existing OpenStack Infra, public facing and enterprise ready, a variety of expensive features such as fancy wizards, tons of graphic views, drag/drop transparent S3/object storage console, Ceph monitoring, Kubernetes dashboard, and ready security features etc. One vision of Uniview has been to boost the user experiences for OpenStack based clouds which are often perceived as fragmented, inconsistent, no unified branding and low-end, into a strong sense of premium and sophistications.

On billing and business supporting, Uniview provides end2end billing solution from metering all the way to payment and invoicing. It also unifies ticketing system, monitoring, price planning etc into one entry for those that people often require in either Premium OpenStack Powered Private Clouds or Public clouds over OpenStack core. Various global or purposed dashboards make business daily operations easy from resource planning, infra monitoring, discount towards market compaign managements.

Note: Actual build may vary based on customers' actual env

Uniview Cloud Portal has been incubated over various customer demands of modern cloud portal including Public Facing, Self Service, High Secure and superb performance. Performance and security have been the major consideration along entire development journey. With generic OpenStack API call, Uniview Cloud Portal is compatible with all major OpenStack distro, IBM(Redhat) , RDO, Kolla, Canonical etc.

Learn the Releases and highlights

As from open source community, OpenStack is considered technology ready, unfortunately not Enterprise ready yet. But this is fully expected! There are many areas that Open Source community is not suitable to and will not implement, hence last mile engineering is needed to meet complex business needs. Horizon is great for developers when it serves each components in a flat way without cohesiveness. Skyline emerged to replace, but when facing too many business variations when they are not technical, to develop enterprise ready portal is controversial and open source community would not be the choice.

Uniview has come into being to fill such open source gaps! There are multiple detailed aspects that Univew helps! The first vision of Uniview is User Experiences by Unifying, i.e. One entry and No hopping! Uniview is comprehensive and inclusive to combine most desired features and functionalities into one platform. For most deployments, an OpenStack user often needs Horizon to manage a VM, Grafana to look into a metric, Datadog to manage and monitor bare metal infrastruture. The second improvements in Uniview is to provide profound presentation of metric data, where OpenStack upstream has been very struggling at. With no substantial layer of metrics, a user wouldnot have best confidence on the workload deployed in OpenStack.

Besides those there are desireable securiy utilities and SSO integrations. For example MFA setup over Horizon can be a daunting journey, and an encryption process will be intimidating process, whereas over Uniview to have MFA or encryption enabled can be just simply a click away to have everything out of box. There many other industry desireable features, such as sophisicated wizards, innovative integration such as Kubernetes and Ceph dashbords, which have user experience elevated. For the subject of Single Sign On integration with existing enterprise identify databases, Uniview SSO landing portal turns the process just like a breeze that access directory, CLI compatibility of SSO users all are well facilitated by a few clicks. So Uniview will leave the major gaps and shortcomings behind to deliver an experiences to catch up proprietary software quality as mega clouds of such as AWS and Azure.

Missioned to Tackle the Key Issue of OpenStack Clouds: User Experiences

OpenStack is great but has major shortcoming, i.e. the user experience. Uniview rewrites OpenStack user interaction processes as per what a modern cloud is expected to be, regardless what backbends and their tech, enriched with many visual graphic views and dashboards; drag and drop, full tuned transparency of each process, and many wizards

OpenStack up and run has been fairly easy over last a few years industry efforts. However from up and run, toward a high end cloud such as AWS/Azure, a cloud over open source can be anywhere with different strategies of integration. Uniview is missioned to provide industry most organic integration suite to help open source clouds to match user experience expectation, which has been set high by leading public clouds. Immersive user experience, enriched comprehensive service offerings by one pane, everything just one click away, and a seamless user interface are imperative. That is what Uniview portal integration is laid out to help.

Uniview Portal is designed to perfectly tackle the challenges of integration by providing a way of branding your business, controlling how you want your infrastructure to be consumed, and one pane of glass of possibly numerous backend integrations, or just simply skipping many of those. Uniview also integrates Kubernetes dashboard provides users the best observability of 360 degree of clusters, nodes, pods, containers, configurations and services.

Security Utilities and SSO to Meet Common Enterprise Needs

Uniview provides seamless user federation through popular KeyStone+KeyCloak integration. A landing portal is provided for SSO users to be redirected to access projects, get token utilities or manage SSO permission. The integration with existing enterprise identity management is out of box ready with just configurations to add on.

In adition, Univew Cloud Portal implements various security features out of box, such as utility of MFA, utility of disposable user credential, full encryption, security challenge questions etc., so your customers can stay safe.

Boost with Full Metric Views that Fill in Operation Needs

One key value of Uniview is its organic offering of many intelligent metrics views that upstream communinity solution can't handle well. Often Grafana steps in, but is perceived fragmented without cohesivness and consistency The metrics are data driven, hence is volatile and dynamic. Uniview has those implemented with out of box recipes of data handling to form into various most frequently used graphic views. For generic data Ceilometer collects other than regular patterns, Uniview is implemented with best efforts to understand and compose its displays to help users to understand and monitor their workloads. Thin implementation gets rid of all lengthy requirements of such as Grafana etc of the 3rd party systems. Tenancy compute CPU, Ram, Disk and Network monitoring are just one click away.

Handy Integrated OpenStack Monitoring for Enterprise Clouds

Uniview Cloud Portal is seamlessly integrated with cloud monitoring to provide one-stop experience, as the only solution in the industry to provide such an experience. With Uniview all layers of your OpenStack infrastructure can be monitored from bare-metal hosts, openstack service health states of Neutron, Nova anbd Cinder, vulnerable componenents such as RabbitMq, controller Mysql/MariaDb database, Ceph cluster, etc. The alarming of Uniview monitoring can be integrated with modern webhook such as Slack, Pagerduty, Email etc to provide On-call or notification supports.

OpenStack is a strong underlying for public clouds, but often costly engineering is required to be business viable. Uniview provides all that a public cloud needs by a single package with no need of budget on your own develpment or efforts of complex integrations which ofen lead to high operation cost. With Uniview, user recruitment/ registration, credit card validation, bill and invoice generation/query, automated payment through integrated popular payment Gateway, plus an AWS comparable console are out of box, so that within 30 minutes of setup, bare metal to cash flow is possible.

The easy utilities specifically provided for public cloud users includes out of box user onboarding process, console based bill generation, admin interactive payment console and ticketing systems. A single click by admin will consistently generate bill at the end of each billing cycle with dry-run and prod run modes. The interactive admin initiated payment process provide best auditability and traceability. The white-labeling feature of Uniview enables a possibility to have your public cloud ready with just configurations!

Billing is the business cornerstone. To compare with other OpenStack billing solutions, Uniview has many advantages. Uniview supports end2end solution as far as billing is concerned from event collection, mediation to invoice/payment. Uniview seamlessly supports the upstream community metering and rating solution, in the meanwhile, it comes with Uniview Collector and Rating that can self-sufficiently have full billing solution ready in no time. Uniview supports the most popular payment model, i.e. post-pay with credit card validation, as how most of modern public clouds conducts, and it can support prepaid or credit based billing model with integration of WHMCS etc with certain customizations. Overall Uniview delivers pleasant user experiences with no excessive non Openstack relevant terms enforced for those who get used to OpenStack, AWS alike clouds.

Besides billing, Uniview public cloud solution takes full advantage of Uniview cloud console which is known providing industry best OpenStack cloud observability with all desirable seamless graphic metric views, sophisticated wizards, drag and drop transparent S3/Object store user interfaces, One click Kubernetes Dashboard, tons of security features etc that a leverage you can rely on to compete with AWS and other mega clouds. .

More reasons to think of Uniview as your public cloud solutions:

Keep the Nature of Open-source Solution Overall While Boosting Total Solutions with Enterprise Disciplines★★★★★

Uniview is a proprietary layer over OpenStack to complement Open-source ecosystem. With Uniview, a business stays with all the benefits open sources bring in, and the meanwhile gains a premium cohesive business effect that is normally only achieveable through high cost of substantial developments and costly R&D. It's thin as it doesn't break the integrity of OpenStack, inherites many legacies and interacts only through APIs with OpenStack. It's substantial, as it refines the user experiences of OpenStack by rewriting user interactions of dozens cloud services, and provides various utilities for enterprise needs.

OpenStack frontends and integrations for the public cloud are a high complex proceeding. We constantly research and develop to align with the best of the industry, and timely integrate those new features into the products, so that you don't need invest again. We open future developments into one package of Uniview to ongoing customer to drive business excellence.

Leading by Being Comprehensive, Sophisticate and Sustainable★★★★★

Be comprehensive as a public should be! Uniview started its journey from evolving Horizon and Skyline legacy, hence it happened to have wide coverage as OpenStack nature goes. This can be different from other billing derived solutions that other than billing, the solution on OpenStack console itself is relatively limited. Uniview has substantial engineering in meeting various technical use-cases. Regardless Compute VM focused, Kubernetes Oriented or Storage intensive clouds, Uniview purposed engineering are substantial. Fully aligned with upstream OpenStack community, every components and protocols has no constraint of evolving toward the future. Easy with 30 minutes install to get started, to scale up into medium to big public clouds, and horizontally grow from only VM cloud toward Container/Kubernetes cloud, Database and object cloud storage feature enriched morden clouds at no extra hassles. Uniview comes with a ticketing system that helps communications, drives transparencies and increase trusts!

Be sophisicated as a public should be! Expectation on public cloud from users is way higher than private clouds at today. Dull experience or simple layout will soon lose customer traction. With this in mind, Uniview implementaiton has been a rentless innovation journey to stay at front. Some examples of such include an unparalleled Kuberntes Dashboards, VM Wizards, Object Storage Console, cohesive across services integration and more! Uniview comes with Kubernetes API implementation too, in parallel to OpenStack APIs. The dashboards combine the beauty of both world leading open source ecosystems, i.e. OIF(Open Infra Foundation) and CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation). Uniview comes with a user oriented S3 alike cloud storage console that manages object store with funs. And there are many other well polished world leading consoles for services that entertain users !

Uniview is sustainable by multiple folds. First of all, to run such a complexity of public cloud engine, users often find Uniview is straightforward and low-maintenance. Due to its sound architecture Uniview doesn't introduces excessive complexities. To compare with similar other public cloud solutions, Uniview refrained from introducing disparate technologies such as mongodb, redis, api engine etc, when they can help in one way but incohesive feature adding implies a good amount extra backup, high availability, security, monitoring overhead and administrator skill curves. Uniview sticks to the same famility as much as possible, such as only MySql or MariaDb that OpenStack controller uses, to have database reduduncy and backup resuable across all openstack components. Uniview integrated API-Engine makes it maintenance free with smart detecting and proxing to hundreds of OpenStack and non-openstack endpoints: Keystone, Keycloak, Nova, Prometheus, Ceph, Kubernetes Internal API, Payment Gateway etc. Secondly Uniview is scalable when it can be scaled to support huge user requests by simple load balancing. How to scale is a critical factor of total operation cost of running a software solution. Uniview architecture is designed to support up to hundreds identical daemonsets that can be distributed into one or many docker instances or Kubernest pods over collision avoiding coordination and smart job distribution. To compare with some other similar solutions, the total cost of owning and running Uniview is only a very small portion of those. That makes Uniview a perfect fit to both very resource limited startup and carrier grade enterprise!

Bring Risk of Public Cloud Investment to the Minimal★★★★★

Operating public cloud can be daunting and costly! But with Uniview it's not necessary! Uniview may be considered as operation execellence build book of a public cloud, with out-of-box readiness of key public cloud features. So you can see what your final cloud can be in short manner with no risk neither uncertainties of lengthy in-house PoC and developments.

Some known references show that in-house developments of frontend and billing solution can be very costly and not sustainable. The journey of Uniview, as one example, was actually exponentially longer than what was imagined at the beginning. Thus with Uniview as a shared model, the similar efforts by a substantial team for many years is not necessarily accounted in your new project planning.

Minimal operation hidden risk! Billing can be most labor intensive process from metering, bill generation, payment, invoice management toward account auditing. With Uniview we can have most of those covered. For serious deploy, we will stand with you shoulder by shoulder for bill generating, troubelshooting, payment, invoice, and rating/pricing definitition where most hidden operation curves lie for a public cloud. Uniview is one package solution for all. As native to OpenStack and developed for OpenStack and working only for Openstack, hence its administration is intuitive and concise. To compare with other billing solutions derived from e.g. webhosting, or those originated for backends of VMware/CloudStack, Uniview is found way concise and sustaintable, e.g. by complementary solution over latest community based metering. To get started does not require substantial resource. And it is scalable with no upper limit.

Business Viable by Accomodating and Full Compatibility★★★★★

Uniview provides adapdations to various possibilities of your OpenStack Install, e.g. by different distros, different customizations, security enforcements, CEPH RGW, Kuberntes CAPI vs Magnum classic, CloudKitty or other billing modules, existing Cloud Federation, or Keycloak addon. It's generally like a Plug and Play. Uniview supports user onboarding by its native user registration and validation process, or popular Keycloak user registration process plus Uniview SSO Landing Portal for billing control. Accomodating and compatibility are proven helpful in cutting significant both engineering and operation hurdles so that a small team can operate a large and sophisiticate cloud. With Uniview, service provider can instantly have acurate billing, dashboards, price plan definition, rating with just a few clicks, when it could be months or year efforts due to native self-sufficient metering/rating or open-source way on customer choice.

In many business, OpenStack Object Storage based on either Swift Stack or Ceph Cluster RADOS GW has gained track in industry. Both technologies have been proven Scalable and Reliable underlying that enables many business potentials! Uniview complements the solution by providing a user interface, business branding support, metering, billing and invoicing service to a business, possible monitoring too.
More reasons to have Uniview as part of your Object Store services:

  • A business ready User Interface
  • Well designed UI spedficcally for object operations to provide your users superb experiences: uploading, browsing, deletion, copy, properties set
  • Administrator based user creation/deletion or user self-enrolled registration
  • Role based user access console
  • Dashboards on demand
  • Metering of object store usage, Rating, Billing and Invoice

There are tons of different OpenStack monitoring solutions in the industry, either Open Source or commerical based solutions! Uniview comes into to provide a light-weight quick solution that unifies everything into one console that provides dashboard, self-scaning service and open source based agents integration to collect metric and alarm on configurations!

The reasons to have Uniview to serve your OpenStack monitoring:

  • Everything is unified at one place
  • Role based access
  • Comprehensive monitoring of those that matter! Bare metal servers, OpenStack service daemons, RabbitMq, Constroler database and Ceph Cluster
  • Alarming on pre-configured metrics
  • Webhook integration possibilities with popular monitoring tools: Padgeduty, Slack, Email and etc
  • Easy integration with just simple binary agent copy to run on your targets
  • Featured by accurate capacity management by collecting and caculating all factors to administrators

Enterprise Readiness


Full security suites to meet high secure such as Government workloads' need

Enterprise Oriented User/Group/Role Managements

Enterprise Oriented Dashboards

Enterprise Capacity Management

Cohesive Enterping Branding

Ticketing System that faciliates internal supports at ease

Enterprise SSO by OAuth/OpenId, MFA and Encryption

Seamless OpenStack Monitoring Integrated

Seamless Metrics Integration to faciliate troubleshooting, performance tunning

Public Cloud Readiness


User Registration Process Option 1: by Uniview Native

User Registration Process Option 2: by Keycloak Process

Metering Option 1: OpenStack Native (Ceilometer + Gnocchi + Cloudkitty)

Metering Option 2: Uniview-Collector + Uniview-Rating

Pay Method and Credit Management

Full Billing Cycle Process

Price Planning and Discount Management

Administrator utilities of bill aggregation and automated payment

Security utilities like MFA, password setting etc are designed for public cloud users

Seamlessly integrated ticketing system that facilitates communication and makes a public cloud dependable and trustworthy

Install and Operation

Uniview Portal is out of box compatible with all major OpenStack Editions: RedHat, Suse, Canonical, Mirantis etc

Install is fully integrated with just a step to bring up

Scalable to large user base with simple horizontal node adding

Docker image built, docker-compose and helm chart pre-built to promptly deploy

Decoupled public cloud identity management to your best business flexibility

Integration with Stripe

Integration with Phone SMS (Twilio or other on demand)

Integration with SMTP or other email engines

Integration with Pagerduty

Integration with Slack

Integration with Prometheus

Integration with Keycloak