Uniview™ Releases

Comprehensive, Premium and Public Cloud Ready! Best Openstack Billing and Frontend Solutions Acknowledged by Industry Experts

Uniview™ OpenStack Portal Release Notes

VersionRelease NotesUpstreamEnterprise Starter Edition docker pullPublic Cloud EditionUser Guides
2025.02Release NotesCaracalcomputingstack/uniview-openstack-frontends:2025-februarycomputingstack/uniview-openstack-collector:2025-january
Uniview Core on-request
2025.01Release NotesCaracalcomputingstack/uniview-openstack-frontends:2025-januarycomputingstack/uniview-openstack-collector:2025-january
Uniview Core on-request
2024.12Release NotesCaracalcomputingstack/uniview-openstack-frontends:2024-decembercomputingstack/uniview-openstack-collector:2024-november
Uniview Core on-request
2024.11Release NotesCaracalcomputingstack/uniview-openstack-frontends:2024-novembercomputingstack/uniview-openstack-collector:2024-november
Uniview Core on-request
2024.10Release NotesCaracalcomputingstack/uniview-openstack-frontends:2024-octobercomputingstack/uniview-openstack-collector:2024-october
Uniview Core on-request
2024.09Release NotesCaracalcomputingstack/uniview-openstack-frontends:2024-septembercomputingstack/uniview-openstack-collector:2024-september
Uniview Core on-request
2024.08Release NotesCaracalcomputingstack/uniview-openstack-frontends:2024-augustcomputingstack/uniview-openstack-collector:2024-august
Uniview Core on-request
2024.07Release NotesCaracalcomputingstack/uniview-openstack-frontends:2024-julyon-requestDocs
2024.06Release NotesCaracalcomputingstack/uniview-openstack-frontends:2024-juneon-requestDocs
2024.05Release NotesCaracalcomputingstack/uniview-openstack-frontends:2024-mayon-requestDocs
2024.04Release NotesAntelopecomputingstack/uniview-openstack-frontends:2024-aprilon-requestDocs

2025-february Release Notes (current)

  • Object Storage Metering/Rating improvements when over Ceph RGW
  • In this release, when Ceph RADOSGW serve as backend, a Ceilometer based metering was added, so that Uniview can collect, rate and bill a customer based on real time usage of RGW. When users has their own such as cloudkitty installed, the solution remains the same.

  • User view improvements
  • In this release mutliple user view effects are improved, such as improvement to adapt to small screen, the navigation is adjusted with business logo. MFA enabling dialogue is combined into one page etc.

  • Fix of bugs from prior releases

  • 2025-january Release Notes

  • Password self-recovery stricter policy implementation
  • In this release, cloud providers can enforce multiple selected critical identities verification for password recovering. The new process is fully compliant with SOC2 practices to meet requirements of high secure workloads of such as governments etc. Notice and warning are provided too to users for necessary completion of profile to facilitate such self-service.

  • Database long connection improvement and hyperconverging factor calculation optimizing
  • In this release Uniview database conneciton is improved to sustain longer idle time. Hyperconverging of such as co-located Controller/Ceph factoring is optimized to provide more accurate reference for administrators in capacity planning.

  • Uniview collector supports more flexibility of RabbitMq vhosts
  • In this release, the collector has been improved with more flexibility of listening to different vhosts other than root.

  • More accomodating for tenant metric, monitor and alarm visualization
  • In current release, more accomodation is provided to visualize metrics and alarms, to help administrators or tenants justifying reaonability of corresponing configurations such as auto-scaling

  • Fix of bugs from prior releases in billing and swift modules etc

  • 2024-december Release Notes

  • User Registration Overhaul
  • In this release there is an overhaul on user registration process. First change is the adoption of a short lived code, instead of a hyperlink. The new process is more secure and machine forged attacking can be generally prevented. The Google recaptcha v2 is decommissioned accordingly. The second change is to support Phone SMS integration that can be used to receive validation code, or serve as a second authenticator. Overall new process is considered providing best industry security for the process of user onboarding. All the changes are seamless backward compatible however.

  • Metric Visualization Improvements
  • In this release there is more graceful handling for metric visualization and alarm integration etc. Some absolute value based alarms such as Memory Util and Disk IOPS can be visualized with the metric to help administrator drill down or justify an alarm configured. Rate or composite metrics could be further provided on customer basis

  • Some packaging improvements and bug fixes

  • 2024-november Release Notes

  • Packaging and OS changes
  • Now Uniview core and collector adopt new base OS, i.e. the latest Ubuntu22.04 with series of other package adjustments. The new packaging becomes more agile as smaller storage used, and delivers high performace too

  • Discount Management availability
  • Now cloud providers can apply discounted price plan to required projects for specific durations! The feature enables CSP to launch certain promotion compaigns at ease with just concise console inputs to have background rating, billing, and invoicing covered.

  • Uniview Collector is improved with status check URI
  • Uniview collector now has a health check URI added that will respond to status check with healthy or failed msg to support possible monitoring implementation of a CSP

  • More API pagination and other improvements
  • For large scale deploy, the pagination recently added will handle global resource interactions safer, plus other bug fixes and improvements!

    2024-october Release Notes

  • Font and icon libraries upgraded to the latest
  • Fontawesome and other icons libaries has been upgraded to the latest, so users can access more morden views of icons and fonts!

  • More CLI user utilities provided
  • Now console provides users an extra utility for token based CLI by one click to generate RC scripts. That is expected to facilitate much more secure and graceful user interactions with the infrastructure.

  • Billing collector improvement
  • Uniview collector has been improved with a deploy context extra configuration, so that test, staging and prod multiple use cases can be supported simutaniously by one OpenStack controller without interference.

  • Other improvements and bug fixes
  • There are multiple improvements on administrator cron job deploy and scheduler so services can run more reliably. One bug on Swift Object store console has been fixed too, which prevents from using cached selection to download not intended objects.

    2024-september Release Notes

  • Uniview Collector stable version and price editing console
  • From this release, stable version of Uniview collector becomes available. More console based utilities for administrators to manage price plan are provided too, so that the integrity and error-free process are facilitated!

  • Account suspension process automation
  • Besides manual management, now administors can choose to configure and enable a cron job that detects balance due by project and disable the corresponding project before it becomes out of control.

  • More service configuration context awareness
  • Now Uniview Montior can detect what has been configured before its attempt of loading UI packages when they will fail, so user can have a better user experences of dashboards

  • Other bug fixes

  • 2024-august Release Notes

  • Uniview Collector Beta Version Are Available
  • From this release, for those deploys when OpenStack Upstream can't meet business needs, by such as Ceilometer and Cloudkitty, Uniview provides an extensible and concise solution that intercepts RabbitMq message queue to compose billing data. Uniview comes along with rating module that can aggregate price plan and billing data generated by this collector into bills per billing cycle.

    Uniview Collector/Rating is an alternative to CloudKitty based solution. However the support for CloudKitty/Gnocchi/Ceilometer remains unchanged, and is the default configuration at install.

  • MFA Configuration Process Improvements
  • For those users that managed locally at Keystone, MFA process is added a validation step after an authenicator scans QR code before final device binding. For the users that are federatedly managed by such as Keycloak, the process is not applicable.

  • Enterprise public edition in this build has more eased restritions that up to 288 cores can be just run
  • Other bug fixes

  • 2024-july Release Notes

  • Oauth OpenID User Federation and SSO Support.
  • Now cloud service provider can integrate through Uniview with other identity providers such as Keycloak, enterprise user database or other popular internet users of Github, Google etc. The protocl current supported is OpenID

    Public cloud service providers can have alternative option of user registration process by Keycloak user management module: popular, open, and market proven with peace of mind! Uniview SSO Landing Portal empowers CSPs to have a secure landing control with necessary credit validation, and resource allocation control after SSO users sign in and right before actual resource access is granted

  • Administrator Billing Dashboard Improvements
  • Now administrators can easily get aggregated billing info, such as projects with due balance, actual consumption distribution to timely protect revenue!.

    Administrators can also look back up to 12 months for the invoice number, monetary balance. both paid and non-paid etc.

  • Other bug fixes

  • 2024-june Release Notes

  • Ticketing dedicated dashboard utilities for administrators are provided in this release.
  • Now administrator can easily look at statistic information of tickets, such as new tickets over time, assignments etc to understand how customer interactions go. And from this edition, more features such as "Ticket Manager" and ticket "Assignment" are supported too, so that a business can better manage higher volume of tickets by a process of distributing when a new ticket comes in. Administrator can add/delete members, and assign a ticket to a ticket manager to take care the follow-up.

  • Bill is refined to display more accurate info by Hour unit and speicic resources that incurred cost
  • The bill details by Uniview now includes the resource id when it incurs cost in a bill, such as instance_id, volume_id, bucket name etc that provides best auditing for customers to lookup.
    The usage info of a resource in a bill display becomes more accurate by HOUR of the usage unit, to increase the transaction justifiablity

  • Other bug fixes

  • 2024-may Release Notes

  • OpenStack Caracal version support
  • Uniview just finished the inter operability with latest OpenStack Release -- Caracal! For those clients who have AI workload over Caracal release, the benefits of Caracal can be supported by Uniview.

  • International country and phone intelligence improvement
  • IntlTel artifact migrated up to date, and more intelligences are enabled such as geo-awareness to facilitate user form sumbitting at registration or payment method editing.

  • Support news feeds publishing at login in pages
  • Now users can optionally choose to publish some important news feeds, e.g. the cloud status, new feature or down time announcements etc in the very first page to have best user attentions.

  • Other bug fixes

  • 2024-april Release Notes

  • A beta version of app catalog
  • Since this release, Murano based application catalog is supported. Through the new edition, users who are looking for push button to start a clean app without worrying complex configurations can be best facilitated!

    Due to upstream release exclusion from OpenStack community for the time being, it will be only packaged on-request to a customer build

  • Chartjs Artifacts V4 Migration
  • The chart and graphic underlying has been migrated to the latest Chartjs V4, so that users can enjore the latest feature such as more animation and better performance etc.

  • Ticketing system email sending to admin support
  • Upon ticket creation, reply, more administrator notifications are provided and a different entry for admin is provided too!

  • Other improvements such as facilitating to AI/Machine Learning workloads
  • A few of other improvements, including more comprehensive display when GPU is provisioned at instance creation, and flavor display when extra resource such as GPU is allocated!

    2024-march Release Notes

  • Ticketing System Improvement
  • In this release, the encoding is changed to accomodate various language possibilities in the attachment file name, or in the support requets contents.

    In this release, the attachment format constraint to image has been removed, so that all file formats can be attached for convenience. The image local show is disabled to facilitate downloading instead

  • New theme support
  • A new twilight theme is being supported to support business needed. For those businesses with a light color logo and tone, new theme can match to perfectly

    New switch at vendor console is provided for user to switch between daylight and twilight themes without re-building !

  • Billing is separated as a top entry
  • Billing console and dashboards get a dedicated top entry at this release to provide easy activities organizing!

    2024-february Release Notes

  • Public Cloud: Invoice customization support
  • In this release, customers can customize invoices by administrator through intuitive configuration with no code changes needed.

  • Public Cloud: Prepaid support
  • Since this release service providers can choose prepaid for credit limiting use case when business requires. Multiple payment methods are supported for prepaid such as Credit Card or other bank transfer where manual intervention may be required

  • Other small adjustments
  • The pricing display becomes very flexibile without requirement on backend role and permission, so that every user regardless API permission can see the flavor based pricing easily!

    Database schema has change in this release for the public cloud features.

    2024-january Release Notes

  • Web packaging technology is improved to deliver better formance on both frontend and backend
  • Volunerability and security improvement by upgrading Node and OS version to latest version and packages
  • A new sign in layout page is available
  • To accommodate different taste of users, now customer can pick one of two ready sign in pages of Uniview

  • Ticketing and Support System Improvements
  • Now Ticketing system supports service rating. A user can rate (poor to excellent) every response provided from IT support to increase awareness and trust.

    Now Ticketing system allows users to attach up to 3 screenshots in one reply

  • Billing dashboard and other features are further polished to deliver nicer effect
  • Database schema has change in this release for the public cloud features.

  • 2023-december Release Notes

  • Public Cloud: Email template customization support
  • Now all outgoing email templates can be prepared in a separate manner from core packaging, so that users can easily customize by editing and providing back into their package builds

  • Public Cloud: Administrator utility of setting manual payment status becomes available
  • From this release, a new utility for administrator to set a payment status when wiring, checque or other payment methods other than online pay through Uniview console is available!

  • EC2 credential utility support
  • From this release, Uniview starts providing utility for user to create/delete EC2 credential!

  • OpenStack Monitoring Feature: Disk space usage alert support
  • For monitoring solution, from this release Uniview can alert upon the hosting server disk/drive utilization reaches a threshold based on the real time checking of the filesystem of the drive!

  • Swift object store object deletion UI is optimized to enable full transparency of process and result

  • 2023-november Release Notes

  • Swift Object Store UI Improvements
  • Swift Object Store User Console has significant improvements in the release, esp in handling extreme characters or strings when they are part of file name or a path. Stress test shows user can generally feel free in having every character possible in object naming!

  • Ticketing system is promoted to formal release!
  • Other bug fixes found in earlier releases!

  • 2023-october Release Notes

  • OpenStack Controller Database Monitoring Support
  • For Private Cloud edition, now Uniview supports monitoring of OpenStack Controller Database! Database in OpenStack controller is a vulnerable component that frequently has various issue. As a critical component, Uniview can conveniently monitor and alert various metrics such as open file number, slow query, unexpected restart etc!

  • Public Cloud Bill Generation Extra Console Available to Administrators
  • In order to be consistent and error free, now a console based bill generation for administrator becomes available! Besides earlier command line based trigger, a console provides many benefits such as traceability, consistency and convenience. At the end of bill cycle, a push button is ready to generate bills per projects!

  • Public Cloud Payment Collection Extra Console Available to Administrators
  • For the process of automated payment collection from Credit card at the end of billing cycle, besides earlier command line based interface, now a console is available for administrators to select the tenants (projects) and billing cycle, then start credit card pay process. A console provides better controlling, traceability, and payment issue investigation possibilities too! The command line interface is expected to be decommissioned in upcoming release!

    2023-september Release Notes

  • Ticketing features beta version available in this release
  • Now Uniview has ticketing feature for public cloud use cases. A tenant user can conveniently create support case on the same console upon technical or billing issues. Vendor administrators have been provided a utility to respond, resolve or re-open an issue created by the tenant from Vendor console too.

  • More security features
  • The keystone authentication for Uniview such as Payment/Ticketing of non-openstack activities is adjusted to accomodate restricted keystone API call. With basic keystone policy permission, user still can be authenticated to ticketing for example!

  • Other bug fixes

  • 2023-august Release Notes

  • Backend handshaking mechnism improvements
  • Now Uniview has timeout settings for handshaking with backend API endpoints, which helps to tolerate expected/unexpected failures when system scan capabilities of complex OpenStack deployments

  • User loading experience improvements
  • Now Uniview is optimized with more static view experiences on openstack identify management views.

  • Other bug fixes

  • 2023-july Release Notes

  • Octavia Monitor metric and status support
  • Now Uniview supports extra monitoring view for tenant Octavia load balancer. With a click, user can conveniently get the critical operation data, such as metrics of listners, pools, health state etc, active connection, traffic in/out in a graphic and comparative manner

  • Latest Bootstrap 5 Web Framework Migration
  • Now Uniview has a full migration from earlier version toward the new edition frontend web framework Boostrap 5, so the user can leverage all the best features such as placeholder, better datatable etc.!

  • Payment process, billong job optimization and bug fixes
  • There are many small enhancements on billing job, and other bugs in this current release!

    2023-june Release Notes (Antelope API Support)

  • OpenStack latest release Antelope(2023.1) is now supported
  • Uniview now has support of cores services of OpenStack Antelope editions: Keystone, Glance, Neutron, Nova, Cinder, Heat, Swift, Ceilometer and many other applications.

  • Invoice User Downloading on OpenStack Public Cloud billing
  • Now Uniview supports Receipt/Invoice Downloading upon successful due payment!

  • User initiated payment process improvement
  • Now User can edit/create new payment method upon pay request starts, and select one or multiple billing cycles by one pay!

    2023-may Release Notes

  • Uniview public cloud solution package available
  • All a public cloud needs in! Finally it is exciting that Uniview now fully supports public cloud needs in this release! From user onboarding process, registration, credit card validation, pay a bill, automated credit card payment are fully supported as a click to go. By this release, user can turn a running OpenStack infrascture into cash-flow ready public cloud in minutes.

  • Credit card invoice and payment utilities are available
  • Now Uniview supports API call with Payment Gateway for the automated invoicing process. The utility can be on demand to initiate batch payment of invoicing through API call toward popular Paymeng Gateway: Stripe!

  • More small improvement and bug fixes

  • 2023-april Release Notes

  • Cross board graphical metric views optimized
  • Now Uniview has across board optimization so that display is more context awared. When no datapoint is available from backend, the views will be adapted into effect by backfilling default value, which is even helpful when multiple resources are displayed in one comparative view in a timeframe.

  • A beta version of utility of billing is available
  • Uniview provides a first version of standalone utility for bill aggregation for public cloud use case. The utility aggregates data through API query and inserts into Uniview database for bill query, invoice generation through payment gateway etc.

  • More small improvement and bug fixes

  • 2023-march Release Notes

  • Consolidated Megnum K8s Cluster Quota management
  • Now Uniview supports consolidated quota management for Magnum K8s along with nova, cinder, neutron quota etc. To compare with Horizon, where a standalone quota for cluster, consolidated quota is proven providing the best convinient user experiences.

  • Backfill 0 when Promethus node monitoring
  • Now Uniview Monitoring supports backfilling for a timeframe metric querying. That well complements the behavior of Prometheus that only valid dataset will be returned even query is across a longer period and eventually view could not show a whole image.

  • Other improvements on how Uniview proxies to OpenStack backends with such as self-signed certificate
  • Uniview allows self-signed certificates handshaking now. And disabling such to allow only publicly signed certificate will be on demand to set.

    2023-february Release Notes

  • Alerting Function Support
  • Now Uniview supports alerting function that various infrastructure metrics threshold, high CPU/Memory, instance down/up of bare metal, or OpenStack services can be real time alarmed through email, slack, PagerDuty and any other http webhooks. The function further improves the operability of OpenStack by out of box full monitoring suite ready and keep the best integrity and process fluency. Alert dashbaord is integrated into vendor dashboard, and an alert detail console is provided along too.

  • Separate application credential utility
  • Now user has best flexibility of choice of using application credential by a separate utility to enable/disable by a click. Administrator console allows admin to enable/disable the option of all users in the same easy way.

  • Other bugfix and API improvement
  • Various bugs are fixed and some Heat Stack user action UI effects are improved in this releases.

    2023-january Release Notes

  • Vendor cpu committing ratio in capacity planning
  • Now Uniview supports vendor best-practice CPU over-committing ratio, instead of a NOVA configuration, so that dashboard CPU allocation ratio becomes an even better helper for administrator in capacity planning and making resource scaling up decision.

  • Enabling MFA flexibility enhanced support to any user regardless of roles
  • Now Uniview supports self MFA enabling to every cloud users, regardless of their roles and permissions,with no need of administrator through the process. Please note back end API policy and Keystone proper configuration are needed to support this! Please consult our support team for the configurations.

  • Other bugfix and API improvement
  • Various bugs are fixed and some Swift user action UI effects are improved in this releases.

    2022-december Release Notes (Applauses for Zed Support)

  • OpenInfra Zed Release Support
  • The core components of Zed, 26th OpenStack Release of 2022, are being supported at Uniview right now!

  • Bare metal monitoring improvements
  • Extra CPU utilization by cpu millisecond counter, and load average (1m, 5m and 15 minutes average) are both provided respectively to support the need of views from different angle. Metrics aggregated at Uniview are more auditable too, by alignment with common performance CLI tools such as top and htop etc!

  • Metric graphic view improvement
  • Majority metric views of Instances, Bare-metals and Hosting servers across board now have both small and large views with easy switch, mouse drag pickable daterange to search. So that user can easily dig in suspicious part when in need.

    2022-november Release Notes

  • Multiple App entries layout
  • App layouts are supported for normal cloud users, administorator, or monitoring etc.

  • Designate improvements
  • The view of designated is overhauled to be more user friendly

  • Polishing and bugs on various service interfaces

  • 2022-october Release Notes

  • Spanish and More Languages Supported
  • Spanish becomes one language officially support by Uniview this month release.

  • Modern tech stacks
  • Routing and Language pack improvements, data table performance and other user not-visible improvements etc

  • Many polishing on various service interfaces
  • Uniview has gone through many polishing across instance view, object view, designate zone view etc to render stable and visual pleasant effects!

    2022-september Release Notes

  • High concurrent user requests
  • Uniview is optimized to support very large user base deployment to support high concurrent user requests. The performance tuning is configrable by administrators at deployment configurations too.

  • Mutli regions support!
  • Uniview now supports multi regions OpenStack deploy with capability of discovering regions and backends. At console, user can easily click a button to switch between regions

  • Auto discoverability and auto adaptation towards OpenStack and Non-Openstack API endpoints!
  • Uniview supports discovering the type of endpoints, such as HTTP/HTTPS, LAN vs WAN for proper handshaking

  • Senlin Clustering Support
  • Now Uniview portal supports full cycle managements of clustering: profile, node, cluster and etc

  • Designate DNS Support
  • Now Uniview portal supports managements of DNS: zone and records

  • Fraud Prevention Plugin support
  • Now Uniview portal supports fraut prevention at user regisration. Administrator can configure by providing the DNS and Google "I'm not a bot" fraud prevention key at administrator console without code change.

    2022-august Release Notes

  • Uniview Rebranding Customization has never been so easy!
  • Now Uniview portal admin can customize business rebranding needs by simply a click! That will also simplify automated install as care of customization can be left to post-install setting at admin console.

    Customized items: Signin page master logo; Favicon; Main page logo; Privacy policy; Terms of use

  • Theme customization console support
  • Now portal admin can switch different theme at console with simply a click! As business has a need to match the theme to their logo etc, a theme change is frequently required

  • Email notification template improvements to match to logo etc
  • Overhaul of user profile
  • User profile is more aligned with dashboard service by fluency improvement, e.g. disabling avatar

  • User sign up function improvement
  • The overall view is adjusted, and outgoing notification is generalized per custom branding and business terms

  • Fixing bugs from earlier releases

  • 2022-july Release Notes

  • The current OpenStack Frontend solution gets a new name: Uniview
  • Uniview database provisioning supported by docker service
  • Now user can skip database provisioning to simplify portal install manual process. From this release docker service has the capability of identifying status, e.g. existing version, or a fresh install, then will do accordingly seed database, or upgrade the database from earlier version! Upfront install of Uniview portal is much simpler

  • Cinder pools layout is adjusted to have a view from storage pool point of view
  • Image creation from console is improved with providing more visual progress reminder
  • UI icons, paginations etc are further improved
  • Other bug fixes and small improvement from early releases

  • 2022-june Release Notes

  • Massive improvements of Swift object uploading UI
  • New uploading experience of object files/folders: real time, acurate uploading status, drag and drop as many files as user wants. The frontend is better tuned in terms of how to refresh when there is delay of availability after uploading is complete

  • Admininstrator dashboard improvement with more desireable volume storage Capacity
  • Cinder Volume administrator view is provided with more desireable volume pool info

  • 2022-may Release Notes (Applauses for Yoga Support)

  • OpenStack Upstream Yoga Support
  • Now ComputingStack Frontend Integrations support the core components and API of YOGA version of OpenStack 2022.

  • Other small bug fixes from early releases

  • 2022-april Release Notes

  • Welcome navigation
  • Now user can conviniently find cost info at very first landing page to be tuned, and welcome view are also generally improved to be concise.

  • Nova Instance display is improved to fix potential disruption by special charaters
  • jquery and some other depending libraries are upgraded to the latest to be future friendly
  • Other small bug fixes from early releases

  • 2022-march Release Notes

  • Swift Console Improvements
  • Swift Console API process is re-compiled to accomdate special charaters. However, there is not user facing view change.

  • User timeout and redirection mechnism are improved to be able to restore to the exact stopping point
  • Other small bug fixes from early releases

  • 2022-feburary Release Notes

  • Billing and cost dashboard
  • Billing and rating become offically supported out of box in feb-2022 release. User can view/generate/download monthy bill with service break down such as instance type, networking incoming/outgoing, volume usage etc and configurable to all metrics collected by Ceilomter. A comprensive cost dashboard is provided in the release too. As built over API call, billing integration with backend is easy and straightforward as only either standard Gnocchi or Monasca in place is required

  • Instance provisioning user experience improvements
  • Instance creation wizard now provides more visual filters per image architecture, OS distro etc. User now can even conviniently launch instance from source panels such as image

  • Other small bug fixes from early releases

  • 2022-january Release Notes

  • Image Service Improvement
  • Mutliple changes including uploading protocol and meta data editing etc in this release!

  • Instance actions polishing
  • Multiple changes including security group association, floating IP creation in process of association were improved in this release

  • VM creation wizard exprience improvement
  • More explicit image info is better displayed in the VM creation wizard taking advatange of Image meta data info

  • Other small bug fixes from early releases

  • 2021 ...

    2021-december Release Notes

  • OpenStack Xena version support
  • Now Intos Cloud Portal supports core components of the latest version of Openstack: Xena, e.g. compute, storage and networking. Applications specific is expected to come very soon, such as Kubernetes, Database, and Loadbalancer!

  • New layout of welcome landing page
  • Welcome landing page is improved to more comprehensively cover monitoring, wizards, and business relevant pointers

  • Improved VM creation experience
  • Now user can even safely and conveniently in a guided way to create a VM by staying on one panel with a few clicks

  • Kubernetes dashboard Improvements
  • YAML apply becomes a fun of a click away without a process of pulling out credential and setup kubectl cli env etc. Another improvement is that now Kubernetes dashboard is organized more organicly per cluster to fit in most of real user cases of per cluster context.

  • Many bug fixes from early releases

  • 2021-November Release Notes

  • Resource deletion protection
  • Now critical resources have desirable protections from accidental deletion at console! The sources include such as Kubernetes cluster, heat stack, neutron router, swift container etc

  • User context management partial improvements
  • Now the system has the capacity for managing user info in business context beyond the constraint of keystone, such as business name, address, telephone

  • Many bug fixes in early releases

  • 2021-October Release Notes

  • Many small improvements
  • Many small improvements over the course, such as MySQL2 support in moving to latest mysql server etc!

  • Admin dashboard performance improvement
  • Now the system can differentiate machine created project vs real project and use different ways of loading for administror dashboard

  • Bug fixes, and client customization initiatives. Details to be provided on demand

  • 2021-september Release Notes

  • Swift object downloading protocol optimization for super large object
  • Now user can download super large object through portal with full peace of mind, transparently, responsively and securely. What you see is what you get!

  • Kubernetes dashboard performance improvement
  • The landing page changes to have user to select clusters before loading workload, service and other kuberntes objects, to accommodate use cases of large number of clusters user can access

  • Instance detail UI improvement
  • Select to display window can show more conveniently enriched, grouped user oriented information details

  • Admin dashboard improvement, and bug fixes etc

  • 2021-august Release Notes

  • Swift Object Store protocol optimization for super large object uploading
  • Users now experience more controlled process for large object uploading through Intos UI after the process and protocol overhauls, such as all real time, speed and progress clarity. The drag and drop on combined folders and individual files become even easier too.

  • User and Project Management management
  • Admin users can just click to enable or disable projects and users.

  • Newly added admin dashboard and capacity management
  • Admin users have convenience of capacity management now. Hypervisor, Block storage and other Bare-metal level details can be queried and grouped to display. Basic operations at baremetal level are possible too over Intos UI.

  • Progress on multiple languages support and other bug fixies etc
  • 2021-july Release Notes

  • Static route on Router
  • On router, now user can manage static route, such as adding new route, removing existing route.

  • Search function improved
  • The search button has been enhanced across all console pages with more sophisticated view and experience.

  • Kubernetes Object Search and Filtering
  • User can filter out object views per cluster, per namespace or per both

  • Other bug fixies etc
  • 2021-june Release Notes

  • Express VM creation support
  • In Virtual Machine creation, now user can have a short cut to skip optional steps to review and submit to create VM. When multiple networks exist, the VM creation with auto network may fail.

  • Keystone Group Management
  • In this version of Intos Portal, user can conduct daily operation of GROUP, such as create, edit and delete.

  • Kubernetes Node Cordon
  • User now can cordon and uncordon a node conveniently at Intos Portal, so that user has flexibility of enabling or disabling node schedulability.

  • Other bug fixies etc
  • User Profile has been more accurate, and nova tenant VM memory metric graphical etc

    2021-may Release Notes

  • Native Kubernetes Dashboard first release
  • Now user can browse kubernetes node, deployments, configurations and services etc with one click. User has also options (still limited) to edit attributes of pod, deployment etc then save to apply without kubectl and credential environment to setup.

    2020 ...

    2020-january Release Notes

    First release of Intos Cloud Portal becomes downloadable to the public

  • Virtual Machine Service and CRUD
  • User has a experience boosted process of creating OpenStack VM, comprehensive, one pane of glass and error-free

  • Block storage, Swift Object Store CRUD with one click to go experience
  • Volume creation, deletion, editing and security utilities; Container and object CRUD with drag and drop

  • Full network administration and user self-service are supported
  • User can just one click create, delete and edit network, subnet, port, security group, routers, floating IP and all other network objects

  • Integrated Tenant Metric and Monitoring
  • The world only known seamless integrated solution, so a user would have tenant monitoring graphic views by only a click away. CPU, Memory, Disk and Network and more

  • Public Cloud alike and Enterprise oriented user management, enrolling etc
  • User can automatically register and create an account at OpenStack Cloud. Email notification and other on-demand communications are supported

    More Resources:

    More details can be found from Univivew Docs

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